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Monday, December 30, 2013

Experiencing Penland School of Crafts

*updates : all photos are posted up on facebook and its all sorted up by the weeks beginning from week 1 till 8

Welcoming students on the first day of class 'orientation'

Being able to experience Penland is amazing. I was there as the studio assistant for the fall concentration of 2013 which is in Adam's class. The amazing thing I find in Penland is the peacefulness with the nature surroundings around it which I have been longing for, as its been awhile since I been to a place surrounded of nature like my grandparent's farm. Within these beautiful surroundings there's so much ARTS, CRAFTS and DESIGNS, HUMOURS and FUN. In short Penland is


view from the pines/cafeteria out to the null

a little panoramic view photography before i updated my iPhone *pffffft*

Views of Penland

In Penland they have various studios from Clays, Metals, Irons, Glass, Woods, Letterpress, and all the way to Photography when I was there, which is really cool. The people undertaking those studio are even cooler. hahahaha btw *if anyone of you from my concentration you know I'm talking about you.  It was great meeting new people and I personally thought I would have a really hard time to join in but it wasn't. *whew*

So I was in metal class and the first day I met Ian Henderson to help setting up toolkits, and supplies for the students in the class. During this 8 weeks concentration, we did so much, it absolutely fits in the word 'concentration'!!! from teaching students sawing, filling and sanding to castings, and one of it that I am so interested in is the Chasing and Repousse class demo, which I didnt learn when I was in college. I shouldn't be comparing what I learnt in college, but in Penland, the students in my class took 3 weeks to learned a few techniques but in college it will take us about 3 months which is a semester there but of course we were in different modules but the same technique. I am really impressed as how the students were in the class and thinking to my own, Ahhhhh, I could have been better in my college time.

Class photo during Core Night 2013
*left: Bryn, Rene, Terilyn, Me, Tory, Zee, Angela, Adam and Camielle

The class were a good mix personality wise and everyone has their own kind of work and style which I like a lot as; I prefer learning from peers as well. Everyone are really good with their hands as a few of them were new at it. I made samples mostly as I can figure it out that I can explore further when I am back in Malaysia, but I did made some cool belt buckles that I loved a lot and got it sold during auction and to an artist, Micah Evans, glass artist. Furthermore, I made a few trades and the people who got my work were really happy. *glad* Will be posting some of the work I did in Penland on facebook.

name pendants

Shooting my chasing and repousse sample

Instead of views and the classes, what I like a lot is the food, especially non asian food, like Mexican and pasta, they are really good!!!!! but theres only one asian food that tasted the best which is the soup noodle with pork and bean sprouts and I only had it once, and knowing me I never miss meals like lunch and dinner.
meals of Penland

looking at them again makes me hungry and craves for them 

Those aside, during my concentration they would have presentations weekly, every Tuesday which is really nice to have. Its all presented by Instructors, Studio Assistants, Visiting Artist, Resident Artist, Core Students, and Studio Coordinators and the works that are presented are really cool. I love seeing people's work and especially presented by the maker/designer themselves. 
As the studio assistant of Metals, I have to present as well, which are on same day as the famous people in Penland *drum roll please*  Adam Whitney, Jay Burham-Kidwell (Iron insturctor) and Adam Kisor (Iron studio assistant). I was really nervous about it, because on that day of presentation, I heard that the hall is going to be full with audiences because the presenters are really good, and I totally agrees with them because I finally get to see Jay's work as I cant see much of his work online and Adam Kisor's works is really good from what I heard from others.. and theres no need to say for Adam Whitney, I've been in his class for 2 years HAHA. Everyone's presentation were very inspiring.

In the end, the presentation went on pretty well and I got good comments right away after it ended. Its my first time presenting to so much people, great experience. *sweet*

A joke cheer board, *I saw nothing* hahaha

The next best thing about Penland is that they have a gallery of their own just nearby, and the works are by the artists that supported, visited, taught and any means of being a part of Penland. The works are really inspiring, and I saw Mary Ann Scherr's work as I heard so much about when I was in college. It was like a 'hot topic' among the seniors about Mary Ann's work, it was really cool to finally seen it.

Simple delicate details, totally minimalism

The last day of concentration is the show and tell day and its the best and hardest day to live in because we get to see what everyone worked on for the whole concentration, and its the day of saying goodbye to the students and people that have been with you closely for 2 months. Is not easy for a person that's emotional and person that cared too much. 

*mostly* Everyone's work 

Experiencing Penland were a total joy, all thanks to Adam who invited me and not only Adam but I have everyone to thank for as everyone were so nice and willing to share their life and work experience with their specific materials. I learnt a lot of stuff, and this trip to Penland, US had my view in things totally different or maybe I can say a whole new level. There is so much to talk about my experience, but experiencing on your own is the best way. 

But before I left Penland to NYC, I celebrated my birthday the night before, 16/11/2013 with the work studies, there were so much laughter, hugs, dance, talking and crying moments 

*I was really happy. Thank You*

After the concentration I went back to New York and made a promise to myself that I have to go back Penland after I have finished my studies and had a stable income and instead of that, I will introduce my friends about Penland, so they can experience what I went through. please do email or facebook me if you want to know more. 

peace out!

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